A Three-Part Series
In a new three-part series, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute reviews the latest empirical data layered with community voice and details evidence-informed policy recommendations to help businesses create family-friendly workplaces.
- Part One, Paid Leave: Good for Families, Businesses, and the Economy, describes the realities that more than two-thirds of American workers face bringing home a new baby or caring for a sick family member without access to paid leave.
- Part Two, Good Businesses Attract Good Employees: Promoting Employee and Family Wellbeing, outlines actions that businesses can take to support their employees and their families, including pay equity, living wages, health insurance, and flexible working arrangements.
- Part Three, The Next Generation: Preparing for the Future of the Workforce, demonstrates how businesses can invest in their future workforce and eliminate costly employee turnover and burnout by providing accommodations for pregnant employees, lactation support, early childhood education assistance, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) education.
Ready to Get Started?
Missouri employers can be leaders in creating family-friendly businesses. Employers and employees who want to create a family-friendly workplace can start by understanding the benefits their company already offers for employees. Use our new Employer Toolkit to assess your company’s current policies and identify where benefits can be enhanced or added.
Supporting Working Parents:
An Open Classroom Discussion on Paid Leave
A virtual panel discussion on why paid leave is critical to create thriving families, a strong childcare system, and successful businesses, and how companies of all sizes can respond.
Investing in the Next Generation: An Open Classroom Discussion on Early Childhood Education
A virtual panel discussion on the challenges that many families face to find quality, affordable childcare and how to raise awareness about the importance of early childhood investment in your community.
Read more about the paid leave panel in StudLife, Washington University’s Student newspaper
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Share Key Messages
Get key messages on family-friendly businesses.
- Read the Part 1 Executive Summary for talking points on paid leave
- Read the Part 2 Executive Summary for talking points on policies to promote employee and family well-being
- Read the Part 3 Executive Summary for key messages on investing in the next generation
Share about family-friendly business policies on social media:
Businesses Can Shape Future Generations
Investing in today’s children creates the business leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. Read more about family-friendly business policies at http://clarkfoxpolicyinstitute.wustl.edu.
Good Businesses Attract Good Employees
If businesses want to retain and attract quality talent, they must adapt to meet the demands of an evolving workforce. Read more about family-friendly business policies at http://clarkfoxpolicyinstitute.wustl.edu.
Paid Leave Supports Employees, Businesses, and Economic Growth
Parents shouldn’t have to choose between their careers and family responsibilities. Read more about family-friendly business policies at http://clarkfoxpolicyinstitute.wustl.edu.
Media Contact
For media inquiries, please contact Neil Schoenherr, Senior News Director of University Marketing & Communications.
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