Linde Parcels

Linde Parcels


Linde Parcels, MPH graduate student, supports communication and stakeholder engagement for the Clark-Fox Policy Institute. Parcels is a second-year Master of Public Health graduate student at the Brown School and is specializing in Health Policy Analysis.

Linde Parcels is a second-year Master of Public Health graduate student at the Brown School and is specializing in Health Policy Analysis. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences at Saint Louis University. Parcels has previously served as a Legislative Intern for a Missouri State Senator and as the social media strategist for the ONE Campaign in Washington, D.C. Presently, she is the Secretary of the graduate student club, ProSPER (Promoting Science Policy, Education, and Research), interns in the Office of Sustainability on the Environmental Justice Initiative, and interns for a PR firm in Clayton. Parcels was recently selected as a Presidential Management Fellows Finalist.