Early Childhood Policy Briefs

High-Quality Early Care and Education Improves Child Safety and Well-Being

High-quality early care and education (ECE) programs create safe, stable environments that protect children from harm and sets them on a path toward healthier, more successful lives, demonstrating many benefits for children involved with the child welfare system. Because nearly 40% of children reported as victims of maltreatment are under age 5 and experiencing trauma during these early years can be especially damaging, high-quality ECE programs are a powerful strategy to improve child safety and well-being. This policy brief shares the latest evidence and policy recommendations to increase ECE enrollment among children in the welfare system.

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Watch our congressional briefing, High-Quality Early Care & Education: Research-Backed Strategies to Improve Child Safety and Well-Being, to hear more from research and practice experts on how ECE can reduce child maltreatment and help kids thrive.