In Uganda, children make up about half (56%) of the total population, and they often present with multiple physical, mental health, and educational challenges. Large numbers of Ugandan children live in communities with high rates of chronic poverty (38%), domestic violence (30%), physical violence toward children (80%), depression (33 to 39%), malaria (70 to 80%), and HIV or AIDS (6%). All these factors require thoughtful policy interventions that will allow Ugandan children the opportunity to thrive and lead healthy and productive lives.
Each of the three policy briefs in this series highlights an innovate policy solution to improve the mental health of children and adolescents in Uganda.
Click below to download the policy briefs.
This series was developed by ICHAD (International Center for Child Health and Development), SMART Africa Center (Strengthening Mental health And Research Training in Sub-Saharan Africa), Clark-Fox Policy Institute, and ChildFund Uganda.