The Clark-Fox Policy Institute aims to advance social and economic justice through practitioner training and working collaboratively to develop evidence-informed policy that bridges the gap between researchers and impacted populations by aligning scientific research with lived experience. We work to promote policy solutions that improve child well-being and address racial and systemic inequities to ensure that all children, and the people who care for them, have the opportunity to thrive. Our work includes five primary areas of focus:

Learn more about our work in each of our five priority areas:

Early Childhood
Early childhood is a critical stage for shaping future educational and life outcomes. CFPI’s efforts address systemic barriers such as access to quality care, cost, and cultural barriers that may prevent full participation in early childhood programs, especially by children from black and brown communities. By collaborating with local educators to combine research on the importance of early childhood care and education with families’ experiences, CFPI seeks to create an environment where all children can thrive. Learn more.

Economic & Social Justice
Economic security is a fundamental right, yet for many St. Louis families, especially those from communities of color, achieving economic security remains out of reach due to deeply entrenched systemic inequities. By engaging local communities, businesses, and civic leaders, CFPI helps inform economic and social justice policies Our work aims to dismantle the structural barriers that compromise the well-being of children and the adults who care for them. Learn more.

Electoral Advocacy & Accountability
Contemporary efforts to protect election integrity have resulted in barriers to voter access, particularly in communities of color. These barriers hinder the ability of communities to advocate for policies that directly impact child well-being—from healthcare and education to housing and safety. CFPI’s work seeks to empower citizens to fully participate in the electoral process. The Institute also emphasizes the need for holding elected officials accountable to their constituents and ensuring that elected leaders prioritize policies that are transparent, responsive, and centered around the well-being of all children. Learn more.

Health Policy
Health is the foundation of a child’s development, influencing their ability to learn, grow, and thrive. CFPI recognizes that health policy has a profound impact on child well-being and that addressing health disparities—particularly those shaped by race and socioeconomic status—is essential for ensuring every child has an equal opportunity to thrive. Our work seeks to inform policies to dismantle the systemic barriers that have long prevented children of color from accessing the resources and opportunities they need to grow up healthy and successful. Learn more.

Policy Education & Practice
Enacting policies that create real, meaningful change for children and families requires the development of a skilled and informed policy workforce. Through its Policy Education & Practice efforts, CFPI works to build capacity among local leaders and the next generation of public policy professionals to address systemic inequities, particularly those rooted in racism, through policy development and implementation. The Institute offers training programs, workshops, and resources that equip individuals with the tools and knowledge necessary to advance policies that promote child well-being. Learn more.