Few actions shape public policy more directly than voting, yet contemporary efforts to protect election integrity have instead erected barriers to voter access, particularly in communities of color.

As we approach the 2024 election season, there is an urgent need to understand barriers to voting in our community. In a new policy brief, Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute shares findings from research conducted with get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizers engaged in voter mobilization efforts in poverty-impacted areas in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County. This guide provides resources and action steps grounded in data and designed to help St. Louisans exercise their right to vote. Additionally, potential policy solutions to increase voter access in St. Louis are identified.
It should just be easy. It should be boring. There should not be excitement. I mean, hopefully you’re excited about your candidate or your issues, but just the procedural stuff, the counting of the votes, the taking of the votes, that should all be easy peasy.
GOTV organizer
Click the image below to download the policy brief.