Families in Crisis: Research and Policy Solutions for Ending Family Homelessness

Families in Crisis: Research and Policy Solutions for Ending Family Homelessness

This policy briefing addressed the ‘invisible crisis’ of family homelessness in the U.S. Typically consisting of a young mother and her young children, unhoused families often suffer from short- and long-term physical and mental effects due to this crisis in their lives. Shelter conditions are stressful, and daily uncertainty clouds their lives and undermines family well-being and cohesion. This panel discussed current research findings on family homelessness, policies affecting family homelessness and their uncertain future in the current political environment, and recommendations from an experienced peer educator and consultant with the Family Homelessness Coalition. Click the link to watch on YouTube.

High-Quality Early Care and Education Improves Child Safety and Well-Being

High-Quality Early Care and Education Improves Child Safety and Well-Being

High-quality early care and education (ECE) programs create safe, stable environments that protect children from harm and sets them on a path toward healthier, more successful lives, demonstrating many benefits for children involved with the child welfare system. Because nearly 40% of children reported as victims of maltreatment are under age 5 and experiencing trauma during these early years can be especially damaging, high-quality ECE programs are a powerful strategy to improve child safety and well-being. This policy brief shares the latest evidence and policy recommendations to increase ECE enrollment among children in the welfare system.

Strategies to End Family Homelessness: Integrating Research and Policy for Sustainable Solutions

Strategies to End Family Homelessness: Integrating Research and Policy for Sustainable Solutions

Family homelessness is a pressing issue in the United States, affecting thousands of parents and children each year. On a single night in January 2022, more than 131,000 people in families with children experienced homelessness, underscoring the depth and urgency of this crisis. This brief, developed based on insights from the panel discussion, Families in Crisis: Research and Policy Solutions for Ending Family Homelessness, outlines actionable policy recommendations.

Transforming Systems: How Early Childhood Education Can Support Child Welfare and Well-Being

Transforming Systems: How Early Childhood Education Can Support Child Welfare and Well-Being

This virtual policy briefing addressed the critical intersection between early childhood education and the child welfare system. Hear from research, policy, and practice experts on the impact of educational access on child development, the role of early education in mitigating adverse childhood experiences, and the importance of collaboration to address systemic inequities that negatively impact child well-being. Click the link to watch on YouTube.

Building the Capacity to Conduct Equitable Research

Building the Capacity to Conduct Equitable Research

This webinar focuses on the Equity Assessment and Improvement Tool for Research Teams, which is designed to help teams of researchers, evaluators, program planners and developers, administrators, and individuals with lived expertise take actionable steps toward equity, and bold and transformative systems change. The presenters discuss the Tool’s intended use and its practical action steps for improving equity in the research, evaluation, and planning process, such as encouraging meaningful partnership with lived experience experts. Click the link to watch on YouTube.

A Toolkit for Employers: A Checklist for Building a Family-friendly Workplace

A Toolkit for Employers: A Checklist for Building a Family-friendly Workplace

Missouri employers can be leaders in creating family-friendly businesses. Employers and employees who want to create a family-friendly workplace can start by understanding the benefits their company already offers for employees. Use our new Employer Toolkit to assess your company’s current policies and identify where benefits can be enhanced or added.

Behind the Scenes in Home Visitation Research

Behind the Scenes in Home Visitation Research

This webinar that delves into the intricacies of conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) within community settings, with a particular focus on the Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visitation program. This session is designed for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in understanding the practical and methodological hurdles encountered in the field. Click the link to watch on YouTube.

Developing the Workforce for a Reimagined Child Welfare System

Developing the Workforce for a Reimagined Child Welfare System

This workshop reviews strategies and results from a university agency partnership geared to develop the New York City public/private child welfare workforce to support families and keep children safe. Features of a reimagined child welfare system include: (1) increasing the number of families who can be supported without a report of child abuse and neglect; (2) developing public and private top-level executives in adaptative leadership; (3) developing supervisors to use coaching to support staff to build partnerships with families; (4) developing staff to employ strengths based engagement and motivational interviewing with children, youth, and families; and (5) using principles of safety science, a non-punitive approach to understand and determine potential targets for system reform. Click the link to watch on YouTube.

Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access

Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access

Few actions shape public policy more directly than voting. In a new voting guide, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute shares insights from get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizers engaged in voter mobilization efforts in poverty-impacted areas in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County on barriers to voter access. Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access includes resources, action steps, and policy recommendations designed to help St. Louisans exercise their right to vote.

Engaging Fathers and Co-Parents in Home Visiting; Fathering Through the Pain: Healing the Wounded

Engaging Fathers and Co-Parents in Home Visiting; Fathering Through the Pain: Healing the Wounded

Engaging fathers and co-parents together in services has the potential to reduce parenting demands and stresses for fathers and mothers and better align parenting practices to the benefit of children. This two-part presentation focuses on innovative strategies to 1) engage fathers in home visiting and 2) help urban Black fathers navigate the effects of trauma and stress to improve their capacity to successfully undertake parenting roles. Click the link to watch on YouTube.