Commentary: Employers can set families up for success by providing paid new child leave
Pre-doctoral fellow at the Clark-Fox Policy Institute Nicole Strombom shares her experience returning to work after paid new child leave.

New Missouri task force aims to help women rejoin workforce post-pandemic
Institute Director Gary Parker joins St. Louis Public Radio to discuss a new task force to study what’s holding Missouri women back from finding jobs and advancing their careers.

Women in St. Louis worry about their careers as they step back to care for their families
Atia Thurman of the Clark-Fox Policy Institute talks to St. Louis Public Radio about the barriers facing Missouri’s working parents and their children and what employers can do to keep women in the workforce.

Opinion: Fragile early childhood system at greater risk
Institute Director Gary Parker and colleague Atia Thurman discuss the impact of pandemic-related childcare closures on working families and the Missouri economy

Financial pain of pandemic shutdown could stall gains in early childhood education
Institute Director Gary Parker talks with St. Louis Public Radio about the state of early childhood education in St. Louis, calling for more investment in the region’s youngest residents as a way to reduce poverty and improve economic outcomes.