A Toolkit for Employers: A Checklist for Building a Family-friendly Workplace
Missouri employers can be leaders in creating family-friendly businesses. Employers and employees who want to create a family-friendly workplace can start by understanding the benefits their company already offers for employees. Use our new Employer Toolkit to assess your company’s current policies and identify where benefits can be enhanced or added.

Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access
Few actions shape public policy more directly than voting. In a new voting guide, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute shares insights from get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizers engaged in voter mobilization efforts in poverty-impacted areas in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County on barriers to voter access. Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access includes resources, action steps, and policy recommendations designed to help St. Louisans exercise their right to vote.

Launching Lifelong Success
The first five years of a child’s life is widely recognized as a critical time for development. Quality care and education not only contributes to child well-being outcomes by improving physical and behavioral health, educational attainment, and financial security – but provides a solid foundation for lifelong success into adulthood. Launching Lifelong Success: Ensuring St. Louis’ Kids are Ready by Five, connects the science to the solution, providing evidence for high-quality early childhood care and education as an effective and equitable policy investment.

Make Work Work
Missouri is home to many hard working families who are struggling to make ends meet. They take pride in working and in raising their children. Unfortunately, low wages and limited access to quality child care puts an incredible strain on families across the state. The Clark-Fox Policy Institute’s first report, Make Work Work: Strengthening Missouri through Quality Child Care for Working Families, examines the state of affordable, quality child care in Missouri and the impact on economic mobility for working families.