In alignment with our goal to leverage a vast network of transdisciplinary scholarship and community knowledge to inform critical policy issues, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute crafts original policy briefs to advance effective policy solutions and practices.

Voter registration guide focuses on overcoming voting barriers in St. Louis
Few actions shape public policy more directly than voting. In a new voting guide, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute shares insights from get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizers engaged in voter mobilization efforts in poverty-impacted areas in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County on barriers to voter access. Getting Out the Vote in St. Louis: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Voter Access includes resources, action steps, and policy recommendations designed to help St. Louisans exercise their right to vote.

New data brief on wage supplements for childcare educators
Early childhood education centers face significant financial constraints that limit their ability to raise wages for their educators. Addressing this issue requires investment from both the government and private sectors, policy reforms, and innovative funding solutions to ensure that educators are fairly compensated without making early childhood education unaffordable for families.

Three-part series on family-friendly business policies
Parents in the workforce face challenges balancing work and family. In a new three-part series, the Clark-Fox Policy Institute reviews the latest empirical data layered with community voice and details evidence-informed policy recommendations to help businesses create family-friendly workplaces.

Housing First Puts Children First
The Housing First approach recognizes that people experiencing homelessness first need the safety and stability of a home in order to address other challenges. The model calls for rapid placement in homes, without mandating any prerequisites. A new policy brief by the Clark-Fox Policy Institute, Housing First Puts Children First, explores the merits of Housing First as an intervention to reduce homelessness, particularly for families with children.

The Impact of Weapons and Violence on Schools and Surrounding Communities: A Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill
Weapons and violence in schools are a significant public health challenge that affects the physical and mental health of young people across the United States, as well as their families and communities. To address the issue, a panel of scholars, experts, and activists convened for a congressional briefing on June 12, 2019. A new policy brief by the Clark-Fox Policy Institute chronicles the recommendations from the briefing.